Zona Kuningan (GIS Website)

6:13 AM

Zona Kuningan is website which provide information about toursm places in Kabupaten Kuningan, This is the web version from application android that i've ever made, Visit Kuningan. Zona Kuningan has more feature than visit kuningan, including tourism place adress, map, direction calculation one place to other place, direction, and information about accomodation as well. This website is desgined with responsive design using framework  Bootstrap, and coding with framework PHP CodeIgniter.

This website is my final project in my college. It is GIS website. GIT website is Geoghraphic Information System that particularly provide geographic information of each place, this website make visitors easly to find the tourism places in Kabupaten Kuningan, and this is my contribution to my hometown to improve tourism sector in Kabupaten Kuningan, in fact tourism sector is one of the main sectors that impact economic improvement in every countryside in this country. 

I'll  show you the screenshots from this website, there are two sides, the first side is client side and the second is server side.

Let's take a look these pictures below :

These are the screenshots of Client side.

These are the screenshot of Server side. 

You can visit and found out information with click the link below. Chek this out..!


Nama saya Jamaludin Iqbal, Aktivitas saya saat ini adalah kuliah di Universitas Gunadarma, dan memulai menjadi freelancer dibidang IT.


  1. permisi bg, mau nanya keyword untuk menentukan jarak satu lokasi ke lokasi lainya nya itu apa ya? terimakasih sebelumnya


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